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Interview commenced on the 15th of May 2021.

Lewis is a 25 year old, film student who has lived in hull all of his life, he opens up about his personal life and what makes him, him.

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May 2021

My name is Lewis Hart I am 25 years of age, I’ve lived in hull all my life and I’m studying film studies at Hull university at the moment.
I have got a couple of interesting facts about myself I am really into films and music I feel I can communicate a lot of my emotions and own opinions and ideas through that and engage with people easily. I have always found connections with people through that and they turn out to be the most engaging and rewarding relationships. So, an interesting fact is that I can do that with people.
Another interesting fact is that people call me ‘Monk’ my dad named me that as a child, because I used to remind him of a monkey crawling and climbing around. So, a lot of my close friends have stuck with that name for me.
You are not you without regrets, my own would be what I first studied at the University of Hull, I kind of just went in and thought I wanted to do it, in my opinion it was a waste of time because I did not gain anything from it, I spent basically 2 years there studying something I thought I would enjoy, drama studies. But I just did not at all really, did not find any friends, just felt constantly secluded, by myself all the time, that is one of the main regret’s I would say. I have learnt from that and other things, to not jump at things, I tend to do that, jump at things easily or too quickly. I have learnt to just think about things, more thoroughly and take your time to plan what you want to do.
What has made me look at life differently would be the time I got ran over by a car when I was young, that has made me look at life differently, it was just a stupid thing to do but I was a kid. I broke my left leg and I had to go to hospital for a while. It has changed my life because I am lucky to be alive, life is precious and life is something to hold onto, I could have been killed. It has made me be more careful and to be more cautious. I wanna live until I see more films, more music and see what life has to throw at me. It was a tough experience, but I am not me without it happening.
I have a lot of goals and dreams, my main thing is films and music I have always been into that since I was young, I got brought up on video games, I want to thank my parents for that they never said no or stopped me from playing games and watching films. I was always around it as a kid, its part of my DNA. My goals and my dreams are being somewhere successful within the creative industry. I want to do something that will make me happy, working in film as I am currently studying film studies. Some of the best and funniest experiences is when I have been making films, when your idea becomes a living thing there is nothing like it at all that I have ever experienced. Just to be part of something creative, editing music videos, making some music, I can feel that connection in my heart that says do not stop doing it.
To get more personal and emotional, my biggest fear would be losing the people close to me, losing friends and family is a big fear, even though I make myself me, everyone else around does make me who I am. Always making memories and ideas. Losing a connection from someone you love and adore is one of my worst fears, I have had it before with people I used to be best friends with and stuff its just not a good feeling losing connections. Now I have got my main routes and my main people and family who I hold dear. The main fear would be losing the people I have now.
It is different now, I would say a year ago I was a lot unhappier, lost in life, I was very lost in life. I did not know what I was doing or what I wanted to do. I just was not doing the things I wanted to do, I was in full time work in a call centre, that was the only thing I did at one point. I went from seeing my friends and family a lot to once or twice every two weeks. It just felt like a secluded, cut off point in my life. Overthinking things too much, it’s changed a lot since then, I have gone through a few things, Covid made it a lot worse. Now, I have grown better from that to now, I am not working all the time, I have got time to breathe and study. I can focus properly and not be clogged up with constant distractions. And just focus on what makes you happy, I am in a better place than I was a year ago, you’ve just got to keep going. Thank you.



By Katie Lovatt

A broadcast journalism graduate, venturing into the lives of different people living in and around Hull. Allowing them to share their story. Please feel free to take a look.


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